Thursday, June 4, 2015

Can Money Grow on Trees?

Here is a confession!  We genealogists love family history as much more than just a hobby.  And if you ask me, I am getting pretty obsessed with anything related to genealogy.  I am constantly listening to podcasts, checking the popular databases for new records, and trying to figure out where to go to next.  But I sometimes find myself thinking it would be pretty great if I could make a little something along with all the spending that I want to do.

Wouldn't it be great if money grew on trees?

Well, for some, it does!  Family trees.  I just wish I knew how to get into that successful crowd who actually have the time to breathe in family history because it is their job!  Now, I know that when you work a job long enough, it isn't quite as fun when you started out.  But... I am definitely willing to take that risk!  I would much rather do that than the job I am doing.... I have some ideas but sure could use some help increasing my knowledge of all the options out there.

Maybe I am not the only one out there wanting to make some money from a hobby.  Here are some links you can look into:

There is a great discussion on this blog about this topic as well:

Professional Genealogist Certification:

Now, if you have other ideas of how to make money from doing family history, please let me know! I would love to make this hobby some sort of income generator, if at all possible.  Even if it's not much to start out with.

Why couldn't money grow on trees?

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